Friday, September 21, 2007

Zipp T-Shirt Instrutctions

For those of you don't know, Zipps are the best bike wheels in the world.
Here are the instructions that came on Brad's shirt he won on Sunday.

Zipp Shirt Maintenance Instructions

Your new ZIPP shirt will require occasional maintenance in the form of cleaning after soiling shirt from energy bar/drink spillage, excessive wear and other unforeseeable reasons. (Note: for best washing results we recommend removing shirt first.)

1. To remove shirt for cleaning, grasp shirt firmly at bottom edge with both hands and pull directly over head. (Note: helmet, hat and/or sunglasses may need to be removed first)

2. To protect the valuable artwork from nasty synthetic detergents and maintain the highest possible aesthetic of the multi-color hand-silk screening process- turn the shirt inside out.

3. Place in the washing machine (the big white one on the left). Wash in cold or warm (not hot) water with colors of the same ethnic background and political bias. Use a minimum amount of the evil detergent and, for the good of mankind, put the lid down and step away from the bleach. (Bleach is the mortal enemy of color, and as such has sworn to do everything possible to erase it from the face of the earth.)

4. The best drying process to further protect the aforementioned spectacular graphics, is to line-dry or air-dry(yes there is an 'air-dry' setting on your dryer). If you don't have time for this lengthy process, because, like most, you have nothing else to wear or simply have a special function to attend and this is, of course, your favorite article of clothing, do ahead and put it in the dryer(the big one on the right) - but be cautious, we cannot be held accountable for the possible permanent devastating effects. If you must, please, please use 'low' heat unless you plan to give the shirt to a much smaller(infant size) friend or family member.

Once dry, repeat step(1) in reverse and it is once again time to don your fabulous ZIPP shirt and venture fourth into the world with pride and confidence.

Unfortunately, we are sad to say; like all things in nature, cotton also has it's limitations and your ZIPP shirt will not last forever. When this sad time comes, the stains too deep, holes too plentiful and your friends refuse to be seen with you in public, you can take solace in the fact that the soft cotton makes a great bike cleaning rag. And you can still be close to your favorite ZIPP shirt while working in the garage for years to come.

1 comment:

Suma said...

hi, its really wonderful shirt and the way you explained about removing the shirt is really amazing..
