Saturday, March 1, 2008

L Esprit

L Esprit is a 9 mile, predominately flat loop with one "hill" or big roller. But that's where the move ALWAYS goes. Joe Kukolla, Weston Luzadder(ISCorp), and I made the trip down for the 1,2s. Joe and I played in conservatively for the first lap, but after nothing really was happening, we decided to try and shake things. Still nothing stuck. After another lap of relentless attacks (mostly from Texas Road House since they made up about 20% of the field), Weston got in a break with a Roadhouse guy and a Bolla guy. That break lasted for about half a lap until (for some reason) all 30 Bolla guys made it up to the front and reeled it in. Right after that a roadhouse guy attacked on the hill and I went with it. After hammering up the hill I was extremely grateful that my buds Joe K. AND Weston L. had made the break! I was especially surprised that Weston made it since he had worked pretty hard on the earlier break, he must have made a herculean effort not just to catch on but to start pulling. Now we're in a break of 7; w/3 road house guys(Rob Bush, Dirk Something, and Chad B), a Huntington guy, Joe, Weston and I. After we crest the hill we start motoring and gain significant time on the field almost immediately. For the next lap and a half we all work pretty smoothly, but with half a lap to go I look back and the field is not more than a minute back. When we got to the hill for the last time Dirk attacked like "a bat outta hell". I didn't even have a chance to respond before he was half way up. Joe did try to go with him but just couldn't quite hold his wheel. Great. Now the other RH guys are just going to sit on for the ride. Weston, Joe and I were doing all the work to try and bring him back but he would not be seen again untill after the finish. for some reason the Huntington guy never helped pull through in the last few miles, which was particularly irritating since he sprinted in the finale. In the sprint Joe took 3rd, Weston took 4th and I took 6th. The field was right on our trail and finished only a few seconds behind us. I was pretty pleased with the day's racing since we all made the break and I didn't get last in it. Whenever I find pictures, I 'll try and post 'em.

Next up: The Arnold Classic


Graham Dewart said...

Here ya go chief.

Leibo said...

Thanks man.
How did you copy them?

Graham Dewart said...

screen shot. for a mac. you press shift apple 4. idk how for a windows. try the same thing. except for apple use the button next to the spacebar on the left or around there