Thursday, May 15, 2008

1,2 skip a few

Yikes. Well the title sums it up. Got here in Europe a few days ago. The internet is really slow so thats going to be my excuse for the lack of updates.

Ronde Von Axel (Netherlands) starts tomarrow:
Stage 1- 100 km partially cobbled RR
Stage 2a- 7.8 km TT (technical)
Stage 2b- 100km RR
Stage 3-100km RR(?)

I just switched my PT over to kilometers, so thats a nice change. We've just been chilling here for the most part. Have some pretty awesome room-mates ( Matt Brandt, and Chris Montalone(?) ). All the other juniors are riding pretty strong(Nate Brown, Larry Warbasse, Danny Finnernan, Rob(z) Bush, and Scotty Tickemyer) Nate just off a big overall win in the biggest junior stage race in France with Hot tubs. Els couldn't find enough space to put all of his trophies.

We all went to Brugge a few days ago and during that;
1. "Somebody" lost their wallet
2. There was a bomb threat on the train
3. Snuck in some stores before they closed
4. Had a skimpy dinner
5. "Somebody" found their wallet
6. And almost got in a fight with a retarded, belgian, karate master on the way back to the house.

Today we did an hour easy coffee ride out to Kortijke. We're about to go out and test out the TT bikes for Sat. Alright, thats all for now. I also wanted to do a quick shot out to Dill. We miss ya bro!


Graham Dewart said...

ride fast chief leibo

Anonymous said...

So you are alive. Nice to see you are posting again. Good luck